When you need car insurance in the Ocean State, look to Capalbo Insurance Group, LLC in South Kingstown, RI. Start a no-obligation quote with us today and see how we can save...
Owning a home is a big responsibility. You need to make sure that you upkeep and protect it. You can protect your home by obtaining a home insurance policy. We offer...
Do you own a business in the state of Rhode Island? Protect your business by obtaining Business Insurance from us here at Capalbo Insurance Group, LLC. We have helped...
Capalbo Insurance Group, LLC is proud to offer the residents in and around South Kingstown, RI, reliable renters' insurance products to help them protect their belongings and reduce...
Capalbo Insurance Group, LLC is here to help you choose the right life insurance in Rhode Island. While you focus on your future, Capalbo Insurance Group can cover you...
We’re a family-owned and operated insurance agency in South Kingstown, RI servicing all of Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts for more than 20 years. We deliver insurance and risk management solutions to individuals and businesses. Our commitment is to insure clients with the best products and services possible.
Home, Auto and Life policies are among our personal lines offerings. Whether you own an automobile, a coastal property, or a boat, we can help you. Our commercial lines offerings include business owners policies (BOPs), commercial general liability (CGL) coverage, and professional liability insurance. Whether you’re a contractor, a consultant, or restaurateur, we can insure you no matter who you are or what you do.
To learn more about what we offer, please see our products page. To find out about your policy combination options, speak with an agent by giving us a call at 401-268-3000.