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Does Auto Insurance Cover Hurricane Damage?

At Capalbo Insurance Group LLC, we want our South Kingstown, RI, customers to fully understand and get the most out of their auto insurance. That’s why we strive to ensure our customers understand their auto policies and what they cover.

Hurricanes and Auto Coverage

Most auto policies include comprehensive coverage, which covers wind damage from hurricanes. However, not all of these cover rising water flood damage. If hail falls during the hurricane and damages the vehicle, auto insurance covers that, too. The same is true for falling debris, such as tree limbs. Drivers involved in an accident receive coverage from their liability and comprehensive coverage.

Adding Comprehensive and Collision Coverage

If you purchased an auto policy that covers only the state minimum requirements, you’ll need to update your auto policy to include comprehensive and collision coverage. Comprehensive insurance protects your finances in matters of vehicle damage from perils such as hurricanes, fires, and vandalism. Collision insurance covers damage to your vehicle in an accident, whether you caused it or a falling tree limb did.

Other Helpful Coverage

Adding roadside assistance can also be beneficial during a hurricane. Roadside assistance responds if you experience any vehicular problems, such as a flat tire. This can help you remain safer during storms, especially while evacuating.

Contact Us Today

Let Capalbo Insurance Group LLC help you make your auto insurance work for you. Don’t face the next hurricane season in South Kingstown, RI, without auto insurance that fully covers you. Call or email our office today for an auto insurance review and to update your auto policy before hurricane season begins.

The Importance of Comprehensive Auto Insurance for Rhode Island’s Coastal Residents and Drivers

Rhode Island is an idyllic destination for those who love coastal activities like boating, fishing, and crabbing. But, if you call South Kingstown, RI your home, obtaining comprehensive auto insurance for protection is of utmost importance. Understanding why comprehensive auto insurance is a vital investment can guide you in choosing the right policy for your needs from Capalbo Insurance Group LLC.

Ensuring Peace of Mind

Comprehensive auto insurance grants peace of mind, safeguarding your vehicle against significant storms or natural disasters. Whether your vehicle sustains wind damage or flood-related harm to the motor or transmission, comprehensive coverage provides year-round protection in Rhode Island.

Protection Against Coastal Hazards

Living in Rhode Island offers an unparalleled experience of coastal life. However, the region has its own share of hazards, such as saltwater corrosion, flooding, and unexpected hurricanes. Comprehensive auto insurance shields your vehicle from damage due to flooding, heavy rains, storm debris, and excessive saltwater exposure.

Additional Coverage

A traditional auto insurance policy may not provide coverage against floods, hurricanes, or storm damage. However, comprehensive insurance ensures protection for your vehicle during any unpredictable event, thus mitigating the financial impact of natural disasters and coastal risks.

At Capalbo Insurance Group LLC, we understand the importance of protecting your loved ones and your vehicle, particularly while traversing Rhode Island’s beautiful but unpredictable coastal regions. If peace of mind on the road is what you seek, contact Capalbo Insurance Group LLC today for your comprehensive auto quote near South Kingstown, RI.

The Pros and Cons of Different Auto Insurance Deductibles

At Capalbo Insurance Group LLC in South Kingstown, RI, we understand that one of the most important decisions you will make when purchasing a new auto insurance policy is the deductible amount you select.

What is the Deductible?

An auto insurance deductible is the out-of-pocket amount you agree to pay before insurance will pay the rest of your accident claim. It is your share of the financial responsibility for an auto accident. Typically, comprehensive and collision coverages are the standard car insurance coverages requiring a deductible before insurance will pay the claim. You could also see a deductible if you have uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.

Comprehensive and collision deductibles could vary from as low as $250 to as high as $2500 or more. Deductible amounts vary by insurance company. So, what deductible will work best for you? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of different deductibles.

Lower Deductibles


Lower auto insurance deductibles mean your financial responsibility will be minimal in the event of a claim. It gives you greater peace of mind that if you must file a claim, you are not likely to break the bank to pay your part and get your car repaired.


Lower deductibles mean higher insurance premium payments. While you benefit from paying less for a claim, you pay a premium for that luxury. Another thing to consider is the potential to spend more money over time, especially if you rarely report a claim.

Higher Deductibles


Higher deductibles mean lower premium payments on your insurance policy, putting more money in your pocket now. This can be very helpful if you have a tight budget and need to save cash.

Even when filing a claim, you could save money long-term with a higher deductible.


A higher deductible means you have higher out-of-pocket costs when filing a claim. The increased financial responsibility can be challenging if you are already on a tight budget. Additionally, many lienholders are reluctant to finance customers with higher deductibles. They believe that carrying a higher deductible is impractical. They fear such a large amount of financial responsibility will incur a hardship for you, resulting in the vehicle not being repaired and reluctance to repay the loan.

We Can Help You Make The Right Choice

At Capalbo Insurance Group LLC in South Kingstown, RI, we will help you review your insurance history, discuss your financial situation, and other unique circumstances to help you choose the right auto insurance deductible. Call us today at (401) 268-3000.

For All the Unexpected Events On and Off the Road

It is said there are two kinds of drivers in the world: those who anticipate an accident at some point and those who confidently believe they’ll never have one. Nevertheless, a common thread weaves through these two distinct drivers—they both understand the crucial necessity of auto insurance, though for different reasons. If you reside in South Kingston, RI, the seasoned and hospitable team at Capalbo Insurance Group LLC has you covered with reliable auto insurance solutions.

Insurance for all Driver Types

There are those who drive with the firm expectation that an accident is an inevitable eventuality—these drivers seek auto insurance for the anticipated unexpected. On the other hand, there are those who opt for insurance for the ‘just-in-case,’ one-in-a-million chance of being in an accident. Regardless of the camp they belong to, such drivers grasp the steep expenses a car accident can incur, and the financial relief insurance can provide.

Insurance Solutions for All Accident Types

The reality is neither of these driver types is absolutely correct or incorrect. How secure a driver we are doesn’t provide an accurate prediction of whether we’ll end up in an accident. Similarly, car accidents can occur even when we are not behind the wheel, such as a tree falling onto your parked car.

Whether you anticipate an accident or not, costs will be incurred for repairs and damages when one occurs. Regardless of your expectations, accidents cost. Here’s where the committed team at Capalbo Insurance Group LLC can make a significant difference.

If you’re looking for auto insurance solutions in the South Kingston, RI area, contact us today. Ride with the assurance that your coverage meets your expectations, whatever they may be.

Why basic auto insurance may not be the right choice

Like most states, Rhode Island has a mandate about what type and amount of auto insurance you must have, at a minimum, to be legal to drive on the roads in the state.  At Capalbo Insurance Group LLC in South Kingstown, RI, we take our responsibility to our customers seriously. We make sure the auto insurance you have fits your needs and gives you adequate protection. 

Basic auto insurance in Rhode Island

Basic auto insurance in Rhode Island is 25/50/25. This is all liability coverage, and it protects other drivers from you in an accident. It provides $25,000 for injuries to one person, $50,000 for all injuries in an accident, and $25,000 for personal property. 

Why basic insurance might not be the right choice?

If you have an auto loan or are leasing a vehicle, you will not be able to get away with having basic auto insurance. The bank or the leasing company will require that you have complete auto insurance coverage to protect your vehicle. But what about if you don’t have a loan or a lease? Is basic insurance the right choice?

If you have an older vehicle with little value or you have access to another vehicle, then basic auto insurance is right for you. For the rest of us who count on our vehicle every day to get to work, take the kids to school, go shopping, and to the doctor, protecting our vehicle is vital. 

Beyond Basic

Collision coverage covers your vehicle when you are at fault in an accident. Comprehensive coverage provides protection from theft, vandalism, and many things that can cause damage. If you need your vehicle every day, you need this coverage to protect it. 

Consult With Us

Contact Capalbo Insurance Group LLC in South Kingstown, RI when you are ready to discuss auto insurance. We are here for you when you need us. 

8 Quick Safety Tips For Night Driving

Regarding driver safety, the daytime is the optimal time to drive.  At night, you not only have to contend with darkness and things you cannot see but the glare from lights, rain of bugs on the windshield, and precipitation from the weather.

However, at Capalbo Insurance Group LLC in South Kingstown, RI, we understand that most of us cannot avoid the need to drive at night. 

Here are eight quick safety tips to prepare you for navigating the roadway at night:

1.  Wiping down your windshields before dark.

Apply a generous amount of window cleaner to your windshield and clean with a cotton cloth or old newspaper for the best results.  Doing so will eliminate glare from all external lights when driving.

2.  Don’t stare directly into oncoming headlights.

Staring into the lights of oncoming traffic makes it impossible to see when traveling at night.  So, focus on the edge lines to the side of the road when passing oncoming cars. 

3.  Get plenty of rest before getting on the road.

Drowsiness causes a frequent amount of automobile crashes after dark.  So, get plenty of rest when you know you’ll be on the roadway after dark. 

4.  Use high beams when necessary.

Because visibility is lower at night, don’t forget to use your high beams in dimly lit areas to avoid any debris or pedestrians in the roadways.

5.  Minimize the lights in your cabin.

Dimming the lights from your GPS, radio, instrument panels, and dashboard lights will eliminate glare on the windshield and help you see better when navigating the roads at night. 

6.  Drive at a slower rate of speed than you do during the day.

It only makes sense when driving with less visibility that you should go at a lower rate of speed when traveling at night.  If you drive upon something in the roadway after dark, you have less time to react and navigate around it. 

7.  Avoid two-lane highways when possible.

Two-lane highways at night almost guarantee you’ll face the glare of oncoming traffic.  So, try taking interstates and four-lane highways to improve night visibility and safety.

8.  Be watchful for wildlife, especially when traveling in wooded areas.

When night driving, you can spot wildlife on the side of the road because the glare of your headlamps reflects off of their eyes.  Look for their eyes and slow down when passing, especially if you see them coming toward the roadway.

Contact us today!

Most of all, you don’t want to drive at night without car insurance.  Call us today at Capalbo Insurance Group LLC in South Kingstown, RI to discuss insurance options and find the best coverage to keep you and your family secure as you travel the roadways.

Defensive Driving Techniques That Can Help You Avoid Accidents

Here at Capalbo Insurance Group LLC, providing residents in the greater South Kingstown, RI area with auto insurance, we are committed to helping drivers stay safe when they are driving. One of the best ways to decrease your chances of being involved in an automobile accident is to drive defensively.

Here are a few defensive driving techniques that you can use to help you avoid accidents:

Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

One of the best defensive driving techniques is to always be aware of your surroundings. This involves paying attention to what is not only in front of you but what is surrounding you as well. By paying attention to your surroundings, you can spot hazards and hazardous drivers.

Always Ensure Your Speed is Safe For the Conditions

Another defensive driving tip that can help you to avoid accidents is to ensure you are always driving at a safe speed for the road and driving conditions. Speeding leads to accidents.

Have an Escape Route in Your Head

Lastly, as you are driving, always have an escape route in your mind. If the big rig next to you tries to change lanes, where will you go? Thinking ahead and thinking about escape routes is one of the best ways to avoid accidents.

Reach Out To Us

Defensive driving techniques are the most effective way to minimize your chances of being involved in an automobile accident. By being aware of your surroundings, ensuring your speed is safe for the conditions, and having an escape in your head, you can drive safely.

It is important to point out though, that some accidents are simply unavoidable, and that is why it is important to have the right auto insurance for your needs. If you are looking to purchase a new auto insurance policy in the South Kingstown, RI metroplex, Capalbo Insurance Group LLC would love to assist you. Call us today to learn more.

Can adult children remain on their parents’ auto policy?

If you live in or near South Kingstown, RI, you may be wondering whether or not your adult children can stay on your auto insurance policy. As more adult children move back home, it becomes a question many people have. At Capalbo Insurance Group LLC, our team can answer that question and many others. We are an independent agency and can offer more choices than a captive agency.

Can adult children remain on their parents’ auto policy?

With more and more adult children opting to return to the nest, many parents are asking questions about having their adult children on their auto insurance. The answer is yes; as long as their permanent address is your home, they can be listed on your auto insurance policy. When it gets a little tricky is when your kids become young adults and move off to college.

You want them to be able to stay on your policy because, for the most part, you can afford better protection than they can and they may be using your vehicle. The key to making this work is to make sure that, even though they live away from home, they don’t change their permanent address. Many college kids do come home to chill during the summer and, so that isn’t a stretch, they still live part of the year at home.

Life has gotten even more complicated with the number of parents who are moving in with their adult children. It has really become a family affair. Be sure to list all the drivers who use your vehicles on a regular basis on the policy, and that should allow you to be one big happy auto insurance family.

Contact Us Today

Give Capalbo Insurance Group LLC in South Kingston, RI a call or stop by our office for a no-obligation quote.

Partner Carriers

  • Allstate
  • American Collector Insurance
  • Beacon Mutual Insurance Company
  • Cabrillo Coastal
  • Foremost
  • Hagerty
  • Harleysville Insurance Co
  • Liberty Mutual Insurance
  • Main Street America Group
  • Narragansett Bay
  • National General
  • Nationwide
  • Pie
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • The Hartford
  • Travelers
  • TypTap
  • United Marine Underwriters